
Piedmont offers an assortment of wines for a variety of pallets. While drinking and eating your way through the Piedmont region, you’ll discover quite a range of styles: from the bold and age-worthy Barolo and Barbaresco made with Nebbiolo, to the delicate, sweet, fizzy white wines of Moscato d’Asti.

Piedmont (Piemonte) is one of Italy’s most acclaimed wine-growing regions and is known for high-quality wines and producers. As purveyors of fine wines, we proudly offer our customers a wide selection of these superb wines from this diverse and interesting Italian wine region.

We specialise in the super-premium wines of Giacomo Conterno, Gaja, Cappellano, Giuseppe Rinaldi, Gianni Voerzio, Bruno Giacosa, Produttori del Barbaresco, G.D. Vajra, Massolino, Roagna, Vietti and so many more – Piedmont is a treasure trove!

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